MT - Manuelle Therapie

Manual therapy (MT)

Manual therapy is a treatment method within physiotherapy that focuses on the restoration of functional disorders on the musculoskeletal system.
The entire human body is viewed and seen in its functional unity. The focus is on localizing the disturbed joint or structure with targeted examinations, using various techniques to alleviate it.
Specially learned grip and treatment techniques are used here.
Manual therapy is a certified, additional physiotherapy training that must be prescribed by the doctor and that can be billed separately with the health insurance companies.

Who gets the treatment?

Manual therapy can be used by any patient of any age after an extensive medical history, diagnosis and the resulting exclusion of contraindications. An indication for this therapy is given when the doctor has made the diagnosis and prescribed it on the prescription. It is comingIt is also often the case that one or more functional disorders are diagnosed with the help of manual therapeutic examination methods even during treatment. After consultation with the doctor, these can then be treated by the therapist.

Goals of manual therapy

The aim of manual therapy is to settle the reversible functional disorders present on the musculoskeletal system. The therapeutic measures used for this can have the following effects:

  • a restoration of restricted joint mobility
  • the removal of all local, segmental irritations of the back muscles as well as the connective tissue and the skin
  • the removal of irritation of the peripheral muscles or the assigned skin zones
  • tries with various measures to improve the existing malfunctions on the musculoskeletal system.

In summary, manual therapy influences the central nervous control of all control loops affecting the body and its structures.

Influencing factors

The explanatory models on which the functional disorders of the posture and musculoskeletal system are based relate, on the one hand, to the mechanics of a joint or to the "nervous-reflective" functional circuits, but also to peripheral control loop mechanisms. The measures belonging to the therapy differ in
  • the passive mobilizations of the joints
  • the active mobilizations of the joints and their surroundings
  • and soft tissue techniques as preparatory measures

The combination of the individual measures contributes to the successful elimination of the existing malfunctions.

When do you treat? How early do you start?

Die Manuelle Therapie kann und soll so früh wie möglich eingesetzt werden. Bei der Beantwortung dieser Fragen ist es völlig unwichtig, wie alt der Mensch ist sondern vielmehr seit wann oder wie lange die vorliegende Funktionsstörung besteht. Ein früher Behandlungsbeginn ermöglicht ein in der Regel effektiveren Behandlungsverlauf als die auf einen späteren Zeitpunkt angesetzte Therapie.

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